We Are Two

It is with some excitement that I can confirm that Moselele is two years old (or will be on the 4th April). It seems more than two years ago when we met in Moseley CDT to drink tea, eat a large pile of biscuits and bumble through some songs. We’ve come along way...

Things to do in March

One of the most important things to do in March is get ready for our meeting on the 15th. As usual we’ll be in the back room of the Prince of Wales from 8:00pm. We’ll once again be having a crack at some of the new songs featured in Book 3. As you’ll...

Songbook 3

We’re really please to say that Songbook 3 is finally finished. The different places you can download it from are almost limitless. You could just race ahead and click the link just above, you could look at the navigation on the right, where it says Songbook 3....

Farewell February

As we say farewell to February we say a big hello to our revised song book number 2. As you know we’ve been trying to go back through the books to make the songs as right as we possibly can. There have been quite a songs that we’ve never really played...


There is a Moselele meeting tonight.   I’ve just been a bit remiss in putting it on here. As usual it is at 8:00pm in the back room of the Prince of Wales.   Remember that we will be using the new Book 1. If you don’t have it yet then print it...