A Fundamental Change

Thanks to everyone who made it last night. It was reduced numbers this week (damn you sun and your world heating ways) but we got through just about every song in the book. There seemed to be quite an improvement with some of the older songs. Though our stumbling...

It’s nearly Thursday

It’s very nearly Thursday, the 3rd, and that means it is our third meeting. Once again it will be at 8:00pm at The Patrick Kavanagh. I’ve updated the Songbook with more songs.  We’ve got quite a few now so I think it might be an idea to work on the...

Done and Dusted

That was the second meeting absolutely completed and in only a few short weeks I reckon we’ve all improved quite a lot. As you can see from the picture we’ve even diversified into Kazoos as well as Ukueleles. We’ve now managed to play all the song...

Just a reminder

I know there’s no need for it. Humour me. Just a reminder that the next meeting is on Thursday (the 6th) at 8:00pm upstairs in the Patrick Kavanagh. There will be biscuits and surprise presents for everyone. There are new and exciting songs in the song book but...

More Songs

I’ve added quite a few new songs to the songbook. Some are easier than others, some we might just aim to do eventually. So, first off is the pomp rock classic, Livin’ on a Prayer. A song that I think it is fair to say speaks to all of us. Though  it...