Going North

Going North

This Saturday we’re excited that we’re going all the way up north to the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival. We really enjoyed it last  year and hope that any of you that have bought Moselele Bambookuleles will come and say hello, we’ll even give you a...

Electro Bambookulele Review

You all know how pleased we are with our Electro Bambookulele. We are really pleased that Baz at www.gotaukulele.com took a look at one for us and seemed to like it. Gotaukulele has been really helpful in supporting us to make ukuleles  because we are relatively...
Moselele Book 6

Moselele Book 6

We’re really pleased to announce our sixth book of songs. You can download it from the Book 6 page (or just click this link) We think we’ve come up with a really eclectic range of songs with a particular focus on more recent songs. There’s probably a...
Ukuleles in Schools

Ukuleles in Schools

One of the things that just about everyone I meet says to me is “they play ukuleles in schools these days don’t they?”. To which I always reply, “apparently”. Leaving aside that thrilling insight into my conversational skills it did get...
Thank You 2014

Thank You 2014

Do you remember 2014? It seems like only a week ago we were celebrating a year that almost exploded with opportunity. For us 2014 was a year we’ll remember for a number of reasons. We got to move into a bigger room at the Prince of Wales, so for the first time...