It’s August

It seems like ages since we had a meeting.  In fact it is ages. But we have got one on Thursday. Though keen observers of the Facebook group would be well aware of that. It should be an exciting meeting. We get to award Jim his prize for making us a poster. I get to...

Moseley Festival

It’s the Moseley Festival. The single most exciting thing with festival in the title that happens in Moseley on an annual basis. Except, possibly, the Folk Festival or even the Jazz Festival. We have a lot of festivals. That’s no bad thing. The Moseley...


When I said we wouldn’t add any more songs it was a lie. We’ve added more songs in anticipation of our exciting next meeting on the 1st July (this Thursday). It’s all about getting ready for the Moseley Festival. As it is the Festival we thought that...


Yes, that’s right. We’ve got Kavanagh’s booked for this Thursday. That’s the 17th June, from 8:00pm, upstairs. Yes, we’ve even got proper listings now as well. There aren’t any new songs, so lot’s of chance to work on what...

A Fundamental Change

Thanks to everyone who made it last night. It was reduced numbers this week (damn you sun and your world heating ways) but we got through just about every song in the book. There seemed to be quite an improvement with some of the older songs. Though our stumbling...

It’s nearly Thursday

It’s very nearly Thursday, the 3rd, and that means it is our third meeting. Once again it will be at 8:00pm at The Patrick Kavanagh. I’ve updated the Songbook with more songs.  We’ve got quite a few now so I think it might be an idea to work on the...