Christmas Sing-a-long 2014

Christmas Sing-a-long 2014

On Monday 22nd we’ll be hosting our world famous Christmas sing-a-long (world famous across the B13 post code). If you’ve not been to this then you should do, it’s the very start of Christmas. This will be our 4th Christmas sing-a-long and every year...

Moselele this Thursday (19th June)

Due to the clash with the Uruguay v England game I’ve agreed with The Prince to cancel Moselele this week. They need the room and it was going to be a very low turn out. So please tell anyone you know that might not have quite grasped the Internet yet. See you...

Moselele Sing-A-Long

We’re still in Moseley Festival so this Thursday (the 18th) we’ll be hosting our world famous sing-a-long at The Prince of Wales. We really like playing a vast range of songs and we realise that it’s much more fun taking part than watching us. That...
We’re Three

We’re Three

When we all got together for our first meeting in the Moseley CDT, drinking tea and eating biscuits I bet none of us thought this would all still be going three years later. Well it is still going and seems to show no signs of stopping. This Thursday we hope you can...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

I know it seems like only last week that everyone got over wishing you happy new year, but one more won’t hurt will it? 2012 turned out to be a really good year for us. Besides our usual meetings every other Thursday (I know they’re not really every other...


Next Thursday (1st November) will be a special meeting because it is the one week a year where we break out the Spookelele songbook. All manner of scary songs (well vague references to the paranormal). The book has been updated since last year. It has another nine...