
As we leave August behind us and say goodbye to what little Summer we had I thought it would be worth letting you know all the things we have coming up in September. There are quite a few of them. On the 9th of September we will be doing two sets as part of Artsfest....


We are meeting this Thursday(16th August) as normal. We’d like to get some of the songs that haven’t been properly done yet finished. Have a look at the videos below so you have a rough idea how they go. You don’t have to learn them in time for...

Nuts in May

We’ve got a lot to tell you before the meeting on Thursday. The main thing is that we’ve now got a shop, can you see the link at the top? This is the best and only place to buy Moselele related merchandise. We’ve quite a nonsensical range of stuff...

I Wanna Be Elected

Well we don’t want to be elected and we don’t do any Alice Cooper songs. To be honest we don’t think Alice Cooper would add anything of any worth to the machinations of local government. Still, Thursday will be election day and our first meeting of...

April Meeting – Number 2

A worryingly late reminder that we are meeting as usual on Thursday. 8:00pm in the back room of the Prince of Wales. As we’ve been exploring some of the new songs it’s become a bit obvious that not all of us know them intimately (or at all). If you watch...

We Are Two

It is with some excitement that I can confirm that Moselele is two years old (or will be on the 4th April). It seems more than two years ago when we met in Moseley CDT to drink tea, eat a large pile of biscuits and bumble through some songs. We’ve come along way...