May the Fifth Be With You

On May the Fifth, this coming Thursday we will be celebrating absolutely nothing of note. We will be gathering to play Ukuleles, upstairs at Patrick Kavangh’s. We will get there about 8:00pm so you should come and join us. I thought this might be a good time to...

Have yourself a very merry Easter

I need to say a big thanks to everyone who turned up to our 1st Birthday. It was a great night and a great to see many of the people we’ve met over the last year. It was also a good attempt at the new song book. Some songs worked better than others but by this...

We are one

Our meeting on the 7th April will be the first one of Moselele’s second year.   I’d like to thank everyone that’s made Moselele such a success over the last year. I know we’ve all met loads of people and learned to sing songs that none of...

More March

It’s our very last March meeting on Thursday. As a special treat we will be largely ignoring Comic Relief and doing our best to pretend that St Patrick’s Day isn’t happening. The latter might be quite tricky as we meet in Patrick Kavanagh’s...

Beware the Ides of March

I quite literally have no idea what the Ides of March are or why we should be wary of them. I do know that the Ides of March was the name of the first track on Iron Maiden’s classic album Killers. This is in no way relevant because it isn’t in our Songbook...

Love is in the Air

You’d think that with it being Valentine’s Day on Monday we would be having songs for Lovers at this weeks Moselele. We won’t. We’ll be singing and playing the same old nonsense that we always do. What is that nonsense you ask? Why, this of...