January 20th

And this will be the second meeting of 2011. We tried some of the wealth of new songs in the Songbook at the last meeting. Certainly some work better than others. Why not come and join us to work on the rest? If you have ended up with a Ukulele for Christmas and...

Happy New Year

It’s the New Year and no doubt people have got new Ukuleles and not much idea what to do with them. To celebrate the new year we have overhauled the songbook. We’ve fixed some old songs and added a stupid number of new songs. We’ve added:- Ziggy...

Christmas: The Final Countdown

Don’t for one minute think this means we will be doing The Final Countdown on Thursday, though thinking about it I will add it to the songbook. It seems to tick every soft rock criteria we’ve got. It’s the final trip out for the Christmas Songbook...

Are You Hanging Up Your Stocking…

Clearly hanging up stockings at this time of year is massively previous. On the other hand learning a wide range of Christmas songs in anticipation of the coming festivities is exactly what you should be doing. So on Thursday we have the first of only two Christmas...

A late reminder

Sorry I haven’t put anything up here to remind everyone of Thursday’s meeting but we do have a meeting on Thursday. As usual we’ll be upstairs at Patrick Kavanagh’s from 8:00pm. We are looking to put together a very brief Christmas songbook in...