Buzzards Field Basses

Buzzards Field Basses

We were at the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival a few weeks ago (we might have mentioned it). Whilst we were there we met Darren from Buzzards Field Basses and we were massively impressed. If you’re looking to buy a bass uke or even if you want to buy an acoustic...

Moselele at the Dentist

Tom’s been to the dentist today. He can’t really talk properly at the moment and we strongly suspect he is still a bit giddy from the anaesthetic. We asked him to sing us a song and he obliged. Quite why he chose Rawhide, we’re not sure. It’s...
#GNUF – Aftermath

#GNUF – Aftermath

We made it all the way up to Huddersfield this weekend for the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival and had a fantastic time. We were a bit trepidant about taking our Bambookuleles out to meet the public. Over the last year lots of people we know have bought them and lots...
Grand Northern Ukulele Festival

Grand Northern Ukulele Festival

We’re really excited to be going to the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival in Huddersfield in only five days (13th-14th September). Whilst going along to see the range of people they’ve got on would be great we’re actually going to work. So we’ll...
Moseley Festival 2014

Moseley Festival 2014

From today the Moseley Festival explodes all over the Village like a……. I don’t have a simile, like it did last year. Just like last year we’ve got loads of things going on so I’m going to list them on here so there is effectively no...

Moseley Park

A few months ago the lovely people at Moseley Park and Pool asked us if we could help their bid to the National Lottery Heritage Fund with a song about the  park. We were very excited about this as we love the park, we’ve got to play there a few times and it is...