
Moselele is a ukulele group for people who live in or can be bothered to travel to Moseley in Birmingham.

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month – you can find all the dates on our calendar. We meet at 8:00pm in the backroom of The Prince of Wales on Moselely High Street, we go on until 10:30 because of the neighbours and their understandable desire not to hear us playing this nonsense when they just want to go to bed. If you’re looking for a ukulele group where you get to play all of the ukulele classics like Rawhide or Bring Me Sunshine then we are not the group for you. We’ve got a vast collection of songs that we’ve largely worked out ourselves and we try to keep them as contemporary as possible. What’s the point of playing songs you wouldn’t listen to? So if you want to drink beer and loudly sing songs by Modest Mouse, Chic and The Flaming Lips then we are exactly the sort of group you’ve been looking for.

We’re keen to meet people who’d like to learn the ukulele and want to play along with other people. We like beginners coming along but we do not have a dedicated beginner’s group and we don’t teach people how to play. We’ve had many people come along over the years who haven’t been able to play a note but with perseverance, they’re now core members of the group. It might seem a bit daunting but just play the chords you know when they come around and sing as loud as you can. People who can sing, we always need them.

Got any questions? Have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page.

We manufactured ukuleles and gig bags from 2014 to 2017 but unfortunately, we no longer make them and do not have any for sale. Thank you to everyone who purchased a Bambookulele or gigbag from us over the years.

We also do gigs. Get in touch with us if your gig is interesting or if you’ve got hard cash you want to give us. There’s a contact form below.