You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. We’re always pleased to hear from people that play our ukes or use our songbooks. We’re most pleased to hear from people that are planning on coming along to play with us. So, get in touch.
#GNUF – Aftermath
We made it all the way up to Huddersfield this weekend for the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival and had a fantastic time. We were a bit trepidant about taking our Bambookuleles out to meet the public. Over the last year lots of people we know have bought them and lots...
Grand Northern Ukulele Festival
We're really excited to be going to the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival in Huddersfield in only five days (13th-14th September). Whilst going along to see the range of people they've got on would be great we're actually going to work. So we'll be there on Saturday and...
Moseley Festival 2014
From today the Moseley Festival explodes all over the Village like a....... I don't have a simile, like it did last year. Just like last year we've got loads of things going on so I'm going to list them on here so there is effectively no chance you will miss them. On...
Moseley Park
A few months ago the lovely people at Moseley Park and Pool asked us if we could help their bid to the National Lottery Heritage Fund with a song about the park. We were very excited about this as we love the park, we've got to play there a few times and it is the...
Moselele this Thursday (19th June)
Due to the clash with the Uruguay v England game I've agreed with The Prince to cancel Moselele this week. They need the room and it was going to be a very low turn out. So please tell anyone you know that might not have quite grasped the Internet yet. See you in July...
Meet Moselele: #17 – Stephen P
Meet Moselele is back! It never went away, really. You've just been asleep for three weeks, honest. Anyway, so this week it's Stephen P. What can we tell you about Stephen? Well, he's got great hair, and we're pretty sure he's is the only Moselele player who's also...
Meet Moselele Takeover: #16 – Emma W
When Emma told us that we'd run out of Meet Moselele articles, we noticed that she hadn't done one yet. We know what her cat's called so were able to easily gain access to the blog to ghost write this for her. I'm sure she'll thank us for it. 1) Tell us how you...
Meet Moselele: #15 – Sarah A
You thought we'd run out of Meet Moselele posts, didn't you? Well, so had I, to be honest. And then Sarah A reminded me that she'd sent hers in ages ago and I'd forgotten all about it. (Really sorry, Sarah.) Luckily for us, it was worth the wait! 1) Tell us how you...
Meet Moselele: #14 – Tom H
We had a bit of a break for Easter (alright, we forgot to post anything) but we're back with more questions - and answers! - for our Meet Moselele slot. This week, Moselele's only professional funnyman* Tom H is here to tell us all some home truths about the second...