We made it all the way up to Huddersfield this weekend for the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival and had a fantastic time. We were a bit trepidant about taking our Bambookuleles out to meet the public. Over the last year lots of people we know have bought them and lots of people have bought them via the Internet but we’ve never had to stand in front of people and watch their reaction. We also had never done anything like run a stall at a festival so had no idea what were doing or how much stock to take.
Fortunately everyone we met was really friendly and spectacularly positive about what we’ve been doing to create a decent entry level uke. Some of the festival performers were really encouraging which reassured us that even people who know what they’re talking about can get a great sound out of a ukulele largely constructed from grass.
We also got to talk to hundreds of people from groups all across the country to find out how they run things. We also learnt lots of random things like:-
- The tax structure of the Channel Islands
- Issues related to Ophthalmology
- Great gardens of Wednesbury
- The importance of the wolf tone
We learnt a lot.
Most importantly for us we sold everything we took with us which came as a complete surprise to us.
We met a few people that sell uke related things that we reckon you’d all benefit from knowing about so we’re planning on putting some blog posts together about them over the next few weeks.
A big thanks to the festival organisers and everyone who bought a Bambookulele off us or even just talked to us for a bit.
Oh this is odd. We spent a weekend at a festival and didn’t see one act, we talked to some of them but didn’t see any play. We should probably try harder next time.
Had a great time at the festival and was so impress with your ukulele’s that I have just ordered one through eBay.
I normally play Rob Collins or KoAloha, but your concert uke tempted me for it’s playability, looks and price.
Great product – cheers.
Cheers Brian.
I’m just taking yours down to the courier now.