Picture by Matt Murtagh

It’s been four days of the Moseley Festival now (we snuck our meeting in a full day before the festival officially started). We have had a great time so far, our meeting last Thursday brought lots of new people along. Hopefully they’ve now realised how stupidly easy this little instrument is to play and will come back again. We did run out of spare Ukes which hopefully wasn’t a problem. We did try to circulate what we had, though everyone seemed enthusiastic singing.

On Saturday we played to a festival crowd outside the Bulls Head. This was our first live performance and I think we all felt it went quite well. You can judge for yourself from the videos.  We would like to give a big  thanks to all the people that gave us money. We had meant this as a bit of a joke as it looked a bit like we were begging on the Village Green. A lot of you were very generous and we thank you. You will be pleased to know that everything you gave us (£34) went to a good cause. We blew some of it on beer and will use the rest to cover the room hire at Patrick Kavangh’s. Moselele is free for everyone but we do have to pay the pub some money to cover their costs.  Your donations will help us out.

From the Sunday MercuryWe were also a bit surprised to see ourselves in the paper yesterday. We didn’t get mentioned by name but it was nice to see a picture. We think nobody really knew who were because I forgot to tell festival organisers that we would play until the last minute, so our name wasn’t in the programme. Next year we’ll have a massive banner.

You can also find two pictures  of us in the Birmingham Mail slideshow from Saturday, when I say us  I mean one of James and one of the rest of us.

As we think the extra rehearsing has paid off we are open to do any gigs that people might think appropriate. Get in touch with us via gigs@moselele.co.uk  and we’ll see if we can help. We would need a bit of notice as there are quite a few of us with complicated and varied lives.

There also seem to be all manner of pictures that were taken over the weekend. Have a look and see if you can see yourself, or even other people.

If you did miss us on Saturday this a bit of a glimpse of what you could have seen.