Hello! It’s been a while but we are now back at the Prince regularly on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month.
That means the next one will be Thursday 17th March 2022.
We are still meeting in the shed out the back (it’s not called the Bothy any more, it’s called the Cantina…?)
Understandably, our numbers have dropped considerably since before Covid, so we are very keen for new people to join and help start making a racket again. If you’ve ever thought about coming along, please do – we’d love to see some new faces. All you need is a ukulele and a little bit of enthusiasm for playing and singing inappropriate pop songs.
Go here to find the songbooks, which you can download onto an iPad or tablet. (And if you haven’t managed to do that yet, don’t worry, there is bound to be someone you can share with.)
The other thing you can do before the next meeting is to join the Moselele Facebook group. Here you can ask questions and you’ll also get an event notification to remind you every time Moselele is on.
We look forward to seeing you!