That was the second meeting absolutely completed and in only a few short weeks I reckon we’ve all improved quite a lot.

As you can see from the picture we’ve even diversified into Kazoos as well as Ukueleles.

We’ve now managed to play all the song book, which is an achievement as some of the more recent ones are a bit more tricky. I was especially pleased that we managed to make it through a whole run through of Walking on Sunshine.

I  was  actually a bit of surprised  that  Livin’ on a Prayer managed to work out so well. I’d only put it in as some sort of twisted joke. It certainly pointed towards the best songs being ones that people can shout/sing rather than ones that people necessarily like. Though I’m not suggesting including unpopular songs just for the sake of it. That would be ridiculous.

The Patrick Kavanagh was a much better venue as it sells beer and a room with a lower ceiling is less acoustically challenging.

We’ll be back there again on the 3rd June so it will be great to see you all again and we look forward to all those new people that haven’t quite persuaded themselves that this is what they want to do with one Thursday a month.

As always, keep the song suggestions coming in.