This is the home of Moselele. We’re a ukulele group in Moseley in Birmingham. If you want you can come and play with us, you can find out when we meet on the about page. We have put all of the songs that we know into one great big database which you can search by song name, the band that made the song and the book that we’ve put it in. You can find links to the PDF for each song there. We also have vast collections of songbooks that you can download and share.

You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. We’re always pleased to hear from people that play our ukes or use our songbooks. We’re most pleased to hear from people that are planning on coming along to play with us. So, get in touch.

Next Meeting

I'm very pleased to be able to say that it looks like the long term future of Moselele has now been secured. I have been able to find a new venue to host us and from now on we will be using the upstairs room at the Patrick Kavanagh on Woodbridge Road. The upstairs...

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People said it wouldn't happen but the first meeting went ahead on Thursday and I was very surprised at the excellent attendance. I'm not completely sure whether it is a shared love of tiny stringed instruments or the free biscuits that swung it. Eleven brave Ukenauts...

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Walking on Sunshine

Giddy with excitement at the prospect of the very first meeting on Thursday and with a definite feeling of Spring in the air I've added another song to the Songbook. Many people have been asking me for songs that involve a lot of C chords. Although this has an F and a...

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1st Meeting

Hello again, I'm very please to say I've managed to sort out a date and venue for the very first meeting of the Moseley Ukulele Group. We have booked the Moseley Exchange for the 1st of April between 7:30pm and the 9:00pm. If you don't know where the Exchange is, it's...

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Welcome to Moselele, the home of the previously non-existent Moseley Ukulele Group. This is a group for beginners and people experienced in the ukulele. In fact very much focussed on beginners at the moment though getting people who can play would be handy. In the...

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